If it is said that there is no public opinion in such a situation as the river city, it is impossible to have any public opinion supervision no matter how you look at it at this time. At this time, it will be very good for the river city to do this no matter how it is.

Such a thing has been realized, and many people will be able to do it at such a time and in such a state.
Moreover, it is said that it is a good thing to be in such a state. This thing is lucky in the river city, that is to say, it comes from Wang Haidong
What can cause public opinion in the river city? This matter is very obvious, that is to say, such a state face can really cause public opinion because of the ghost face jade thing, but it is precisely because of such a ghost face jade thing that such a state face can really cause public opinion attention.
At this time, since it is said that such a state can arouse public opinion, then it will arouse public opinion supervision at this time. At this time, no matter how it is said, such a state is real and such a thing is still very attractive. Those rich people are crazy about such a treasure as ghost jade.
Because the more rich people are, the more detailed their luck is. Why are they so rich? Many people will believe that they are very lucky.
If they are lucky enough, even if they are bankrupt at this time, then they will have a chance to start again at this time. The old KFC man will be in his sixties before he founded a brand like KFC. If it is said that at this time, the old KFC man has no luck at all, is it possible for him to succeed at this time?
What is success? There are two things about success. One is hard work, and the other is luck. It’s possible to work hard at the right time. It’s luck at the right time.
Moreover, it is said that such a state is quite important, even more important than hard work.
There will never be a lack of hard-working people in the world. There are plenty of hard-working people like the old ox, but at this time, if people like them are likely to succeed at this time?
That is not necessarily successful, not only hard work, but also success. Therefore, such a state is real. At such a time, more people will have this point no matter what it is. This matter shows more, that is to say, what kind of things are there for everyone?
At this time, no matter how it is said, there are many people who express such a meaning, that is, crazy worship of things like ghost face jade, that is, because such things represent luck, rich people just admire such luck
At such a time, no matter how it is said, no matter how it is said, many people will not show anything about it.
This aspect, this aspect, this aspect will have a big expression, and it means that at such a time, no matter what, the rich people are crazy about worshipping ghost face jade and facing such treasures as ghost face jade, and they will all have great surprises.
And that is to say, at this time, it is precisely because of people like them who make some remarks that no matter how they speak at this time, no matter how they express their words at this time, if many people pay attention to this point, especially the rich, it will attract the attention of ordinary people at this time.
Such a state is real, and at such a time, more people express such a thing, that is to say, this thing will say something about this thing, that is, it will say that the rich will always attract public attention.
At this time, the public may just want to realize such a state at such a time. Why do they care about the combination of ghost face jade?
Therefore, because these rich people pay attention to such a situation, it will arouse everyone’s interest
If everyone is interested in such a situation, then no matter how it is at such a time, they will always be able to attract public opinion and pay attention to what the matter is. Of course, everyone pays great attention to it
Therefore, at this time, such a thing as ghost face jade can attract public attention. At this time, if it is said that it will attract public attention, it will attract public attention. At this time, since it is said that there is such a thing as ghost face jade in the river city, it will be easier for public opinion supervision in any case.
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No chance in four hundred and ten
At this time, that is to say, not all places can implement such a thing as public opinion supervision, which is to say, a place like River City can only implement such a means because of such a rare treasure as ghost face jade.
And that is to say, at this time, if others want to learn a word, then such a thing must always have one thing, that is to say, you must have a baby of the same level as the ghost face jade. If you can get such a thing, congratulations to you. Even if you don’t have any public opinion, such a thing is impossible in a few steps, and it is said that such a situation is true. It is not that all people can have such an opportunity, but that there is more than one thing, that is to say, there is a relatively powerful baby at this time, but it has such an advantage.
Shi Hanshi is also quite resistant to such a situation, such a thing is that he wants to be able to do it himself, and it means such a situation and such a thing that he wants to be able to do it in his own city, so that it is easier to attract investment.
Although his local leaders said that he was the third-in-command, if there was such an opportunity at this time, it would be easier to do such a thing.
But what does the actual situation mean? The actual situation means that this aspect is also quite good at such a time, and that this aspect is impossible even if they want to find such a baby at this time.
If we are talking about finding a piece of ghost face jade like Wang Haidong, then it’s basically not thinking about things at this time. At this time, there are two pieces of the world, and the other piece is a ghost face jade like Wang Haidong, so such things are very rare.
Luck symbolizes such things, but you don’t just blow them out
Moreover, it is said that luck is one thing if you want to come out at this time, but it is almost impossible to say that there is no one at this time. At this time, Shi Han and his three leaders also don’t even think about such a thing
In such a situation, they are more correct, that is to say, looking for an ancient tomb is better if their city is relatively historical, but the problem is that at this time, no matter how it is said, it is really sad to face a city like Shihan.
After all, if you look carefully, the city of Shihan was only established in the Qing Dynasty, and that is to say, from generation to generation, it is even barren to go to places like Ji, which almost means that there is nothing to remember.
If it’s barren, it doesn’t mean that it’s not famous at this time. For example, a place like Chibi is a very powerful place. This situation is actually spoken in person. At this time, no matter how it is said, this place has a famous battle, Chibi War.
Although it is said that Chibi is barren, if there is a record in history, it is also a piece of barren land that is easy to produce gold, but this guy Shihan, a historical face of a city, means that there is no record.
Therefore, it is almost impossible to find an ancient tomb in such a place, and it is said that even if they find one or two ancient tombs, it is impossible for the ancient to go to any place.
After all, it is almost impossible for a city like theirs to find an ancient tomb, that is, the Qing Dynasty at best, so it is impossible to find such a treasure from the ancient tomb.
Therefore, at this time, Shi Han is also a little envious and jealous.
Is it impossible for him to know what is supervision by public opinion? That’s impossible. At this time, public opinion supervision is very important no matter what. If such a thing is good, it can bring considerable benefits to the land.
It can be said that at such a time, no matter how to speak, such a situation is true. At this time, Shi Han wants this, but they simply have nothing to attract public opinion, so at this time, Shi Han means envy and hate.
At such a time, if it is hard to say what good things they have in this small city, there will always be such a point that this country is more famous at this time, that is to say, it is close to the middle level, that is to say, stealing.
There is something interesting about this matter. If this small city is talking about economy, there is nothing to recommend it. Even if there are any non-ferrous metal deposits, they just don’t develop their own economy. Tell me if this is a miracle.
However, if it is said that they are famous local thieves, they definitely have a set, whether it is a mobile phone "> Clothes Department Store or something. Anyway, if it is a famous world brand, they dare not steal it. This is their famous place. Such a thing is not a show, so it is embarrassing to show it at such a time.